Our Services
technical assistance
We help cities and states strengthen local governance, redesign large scale federal programs, reorganize housing portfolios and strengthen grants management processes. We understand that in order to provide compassionate services and innovative programming, strong infrastructure must be in place to achieve the greatest impact for the who need them most.
Gaps Analysis
Program and diagnostic help
Innovative strategy development
Rigorous program and organizational analysis
Monitoring Frameworks
Assist communities develop their tools to respond effectively
Assist with tracking and monitoring for funder requirements
Federal Grants Management Process Improvement
Portfolio Redesign
Trainings & education
Housing First
System Mapping
Coordinated Entry
Financial Management Strategies
HUD Community Planning and Development
Policy work
Disaster Planning: Assist cities and states design special needs recovery programs and rebuilding internal financial management and grant management systems.
Public Health Response Planning: Assist communities across the country respond to public health crises that adversely impact special needs populations.
Response planning
Infection control strategies
Alternative shelter and housing strategies
We employ authentic community engagement strategies to support community organizations. These strategies include:
Community Engagement Meetings
Focus Groups
Consolidated Planning Meetings
Strategic planning